James Smith JuCo James SmithFootball5'9" - 165 / DB/FSGPA: 2.7 ACT: 17 SAT: 800 Mesabi Range community college - FloridaHIGHLIGHT VIDEO:https://www.hudl.com/video/3/13052591/5db9b5a706629d0b78462b71http://www.hudl.com/v/2C03Qbhttps://www.hudl.com/video/3/11591689/5bfee621386dde0ce860c208Twitter:www.twitter.com/Smith06_jEMAIL: smithalexander06@icloud.comSTRENGTHS:Pretty good speed Great ball skills Can play safety or cornerPlays aggressivePersonal Message:Trying to find the best program that fits me, and that will help me elevate my game, and also push me to be the best player I can be.Personal Stats: Sport: Football, Gender: Men'sMaxSportRecruitOctober 12, 2019j, DB, FS, JuCo, COMMITTED Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit 0 Likes